IBIS Student Organization
IBiS students come from diverse backgrounds, participate in unique combinations of rotations and interdisciplinary coursework, and carry out thesis work on fundamental problems in the life and biomedical sciences using a broad range of interdisciplinary cutting-edge approaches. The IBiS Student Organization (ISO) provides a forum through which IBiS students can learn from one another, and benefit from each other's expertise, throughout their PhD studies and beyond. The ISO sponsors a Graduate Student Seminar series that allows students to present their thesis research in an informal "work in progress" format without faculty present, in order to get input and feedback from their peers. The ISO also sponsors regular social events to promote interactions outside the lab, not only among IBiS students, but also graduate students and faculty from other departments. DRiLS, an annual role model lecture series also sponsored by the ISO, brings to campus scientists who are not only distinguished for their research but also for their success as mentors. DRiLS lecturers spend a day on campus for both formal and informal interactions with students. Additional student-invited seminar speakers are hosted each academic year through the Molecular Biosciences seminar series.
Another important function of the ISO is to give students a voice in academic and political issues that impact them and their research. Student representatives sit on committees at all levels of the IBiS program and provide input and feedback on the faculty search process, tenure process, and other academic issues. Student opinions are solicited on a broad range of topics and are valued by the program. The ISO holds general meetings open to all students, and encourages everyone to bring ideas to that forum, or discuss them with others so that they can be pursued.
Diversity in Biological Sciences
The Diversity in Biological Sciences (DiBS) Council was established to serve graduate students from heterogeneous backgrounds within the IBiS program. Specifically, DiBS aims to cultivate a lasting network and community of students by advocating for the student population through community building, providing professional development, connecting with other graduate programs, and contributing to recruitment of individuals from all backgrounds. DiBS is currently led by a board of four graduate students in addition to council members who play critical roles facilitating candid discussions and advocating for a positive campus environment. Recurring events hosted by DiBS and available to all graduate students include our quarterly coffee chats, where students can connect to discuss topics surrounding heterogeneity in STEM and our shared experiences, financial workshops, book discussions involving STEM, alumni connections, and career workshops highlighting academic and non-academic career paths. DiBS works alongside ISO to enhance all IBiS students' graduate careers.