Graduate Students
Gloria Alvarado

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Lane
- Research Topic: An investigation of cytokine expression dynamics in individual macrophages during Salmonella infection
Rogelio Alvarado

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Tullman-Ercek
- Research Topic: Exploring how genetic and chemical modifications on MS2 Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) can lead to enhanced drug delivery.
Xavier Anderson

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Petersen
- Research Topic: Determining the roles of microtubules in injury response and regeneration
Brooke Angell

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Brickner
- Research Topic: Elucidating the molecular mechanism of transcript buffering
Alexander Bemben

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Christensen
- Research Topic: Investigating the Functional and Mechanistic Results of Heterogeneity in the Dynein Complex.
Caroline Bond

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Meade
- Research Topic: Exploring and hijacking E3 ligase, SPOP, in the context of cancer therapeutics.
Jonathan Boucher

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: Leonard
- Research Topic: Programmable gene therapy vector tropism and in vivo cell therapy via engineered vesicles
Julianna Bourgeois

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Mirkin
- Research Topic: Glucosylceramidase spherical nucleic acids for enhanced BBB transport and lysosomal activity recovery in neurodegeneration
Delfin Buyco

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Kamat
- Research Topic: Determining the role of lysosomal cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) function on the biophysical properties and structure of lipid membranes
Alana Caldwell

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Zhang, Xiaoyu
- Research Topic: Exploring and hijacking E3 ligase, SPOP, in the context of cancer therapeutics.
Eduardo Campos Chávez

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Mondragón
- Research Topic: Structural and biophysical studies of the T-box riboswitch
Matthew Capek

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Gallio
- Research Topic: Investigations into the evolution of nocifensive and thermosensory behavior in insects
Lucas Carter

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Backman
- Research Topic: Interrogating the molecular modulators of chromatin organization via genomic screening
Nicholas Chamberlain

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Bao
- Research Topic: Regulation of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation by nucleocytoplasmic acetyl-CoA
Edric Choi

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Lucks
- Research Topic: Deducing RNA structure and dynamics from quantitative analysis of chemical probing reactivities
Jacob Cohen

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Mirkin
- Research Topic: Studying how the biological form of antigen componentry, mRNA vs peptide, of nanovaccines undergo distinct cellular processing and antigen presentation.
Karlin Compton

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: LaBonne
- Research Topic: The role of H3K4 methylation in formation and maintenance of the vertebrate neural crest
William Corcoran

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: Leonard
- Research Topic: Investigating miniproteins as synthetic receptor binding domains to enable soluble ligand-sensing cell-based therapeutics
Corinne Croslyn

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Blythe
- Research Topic: The role of gap genes in directing spatial patterns of polycomb-mediated H3K27me3 in Drosophila embryogenesis
Eleanor Degen

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Blythe
- Research Topic: Spatiotemporal gene regulation by the Bicoid morphogen
Stephenie Droll

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: Bao
- Research Topic: Characterizing two putative tumor suppressors in epidermal homeostasis and cancer progression
Chengzhe Duan

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Lackner
- Research Topic: Investigating the effects of organelle inheritance on cellular fitness and aging.
Elizabeth Duvall

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Braun
- Research Topic: Temporal network-based analysis using gene coordination and activity level to identify influential networks
Emily Faul

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Lane
- Research Topic: Investigating single-cell spatial and temporal regulation of innate immune signaling in epithelial cells responding to Listeria infection.
Yilin Feng

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Hartmann
- Research Topic: Developing methodologies to engineer and synthesize bacteriophages for therapeutic and environmental applications.
Connor Forsyth

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Mirkin/Stegh
- Research Topic: Immunotherapeutic cGAS agonist DNA dendrons for the treatment of leptomeningeal metastasis
Tina (Jiayu) Fu

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Lucks
- Research Topic: Investigating the roles of nascent RNA/RNA polymerase interactions in determining RNA folding and function with an emphasis on transcription termination.
Natalie Gilbert

- Entry Year: 2015
- Lab: Blythe
- Research Topic: Investigation into the role of chromatin dynamics in IFN-stimulated gene transcription
Brent Groubert

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Brickner
- Research Topic: Defining the molecular mechanism of epigenetic inheritance of H3K4me2 during transcriptional memory
Elias (Qingxu) Guan

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Petersen
- Research Topic: Understanding the effect of directional and positional input for planarian wound response and regeneration
Zhuoling He

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Bozza
- Research Topic: Cell type specification and gene choice bias in the mouse main olfactory system
Laura Hertz

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Lucks
- Research Topic: Investigating distinct structures within the fluoride riboswitch to understand the dynamic cotranscriptional folding process
Chloe Jackson

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Pinkett
- Research Topic: Investigating the differential dimerization of transcription factors regulating the drug response in yeast.
Alexis Jacob

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Brickner
- Research Topic: How nucleoporin-dependent spatial organization of the yeast genome impacts transcription
Rivaan Kakkaramadam

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Backman
- Research Topic: Dissecting the role of chromatin polymeric organization in regulating protein localization in neurons.
Alexandra Karagiaridi

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Pinkett
- Research Topic: Characterizing the complex assemblies and transport mechanism of the non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae ABC Sap transporter
Tim (Young Jun) Kim

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Mirkin
- Research Topic: Lipid Partitioning as a Mechanism for Cellular Uptake of Spherical Nucleic Acids and the Applications Thereof.
Daniel Kranz

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Klein
- Research Topic: Spatiotemporal characterization of amyloid beta oligomer proteoforms in Alzheimer's disease
Kyle Krueger

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Petersen
- Research Topic: Uncovering deeply-conserved genetic regulators of neoblasts in Hofstenia miamia
Tiffany Kuo

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Backman
- Research Topic: Studying the interplay between chromatin conformation, genome connectivity, and transcription in a gene-specific manner
Marie Lamarque

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Lackner
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of PI4P and membrane contact sites on mitochondrial dynamics.
Katherine Lo

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Petersen
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of wound-induced genes in planarian regeneration
Ilka Lorenzo

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Wignall
- Research Topic: Investigating the mechanism of acentrosomal spindle stability in mammalian oocytes.
Anika Marand

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Lane
- Research Topic: Investigating the dynamics of phoP expression during Salmonella infection
Jordy Martinez

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Wignall
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of the Ring Complex (RC) in meiotic spindle architecture using C. elegans oocytes
Madeline Masengarb

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Bao
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of the PBAF chromatin remodeling complex in epidermal differentiation.
Meghan Masotti

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Kozorovitskiy
- Research Topic: Genetically targeted striatal proteomics across development in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
Ryan McKeown

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Andersen
- Research Topic: Comparative genome-wide association studies of telomere length variation in selfing Caenorhabditis
Karla Medina

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Backman
- Research Topic: Does chromatin conformation control ovarian cancer stem cell plasticity?
Jacob Miller

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Tullman-Ercek
- Research Topic: Discerning the self-assembling properties of pdu microcompartment shell proteins PduA and PduJ.
Juhi Narula

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Wignall
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of a conserved kinase in acentrosomal spindle organization using Caenorhabditis elegans oocytes
Genevieve Nemeth

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Gallio
- Research Topic: Temperature-gated activation of ion channels in flies.
Tonatiuh Ocampo

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Mirkin
- Research Topic: Synthesis of virus-like particle spherical nucleic acids for enhanced therapeutics
Daniel (Jun Young) Oh

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Dombeck
- Research Topic: Immediate early gene Fos and Arc expression during CA1 place field formation
Brett Palmero

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Tullman-Ercek
- Research Topic: Determining the benefits of violacein pathway encapsulation in the 1,2-propanediol utilization bacterial microcompartment
Olivia Parson

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Mirkin
- Research Topic: Developing Spherical Nucleic Acids as a Platform for CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Therapy.
Stefan Pate

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Tyo/Broadbelt
- Research Topic: Identifying unknown enzymatic functions of evolutionary and biotechnological relevance.
Omar Payán Parra

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: Yang
- Research Topic: Studying the formation of long-distance genomic interactions during mouse cerebellar development
Aldeb Perera

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Allada
- Research Topic: Identifying the genetic and cellular basis of sleep homeostasis in sNPF+ neurons
Maalavika Pillai

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Amaral
- Research Topic: Modeling the topological dynamics of gene regulatory networks.
Riley Popp

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Petersen
- Research Topic: Investigating the conserved role of muscle in whole-body regeneration.
Anthony Pulvino

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Amato
- Research Topic: Primate microbiota metabolites and endogenous retrovirus interactions in mouse epithelial cells
Michael Ray

- Entry Year: 2018
- Lab: Lackner
- Research Topic: Investigating the molecular mechanisms of organelle inheritance and asymmetric fitness-based organelle partitioning
Reyvin Reyes

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Rosenzweig
- Research Topic: Characterizing biosynthetic enzymes involved in the production of methanobactin
Sara Rigney

- Entry Year: 2016
- Lab: LaBonne
- Research Topic: Understanding the role of cell heterogeneity in pluripotency, lineage restriction and the establishment of neural crest cells
Kristen Rivera

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Pinkett
- Research Topic: Structural and biochemical investigation of the nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Sap ABC transporter mechanism of selectivity and transport
Erica Rosario

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Lackner
- Research Topic: Investigating the roles membrane properties and architecture have on membrane contact site formation and function
Yannick Schreiber

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Leonard
- Research Topic: Development of tunable microenvironment-responsive CAR-T cells using synthetic gene circuits to enhance potency and safety
Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Yang
- Research Topic: Characterization of a novel neuronal-specific nuclear subcompartment and its mechanism of formation in the mouse cerebellum
Cale Severude

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Blythe
- Research Topic: Characterizing the functions of cohesin and condensin in Drosophila zygotic genome activation.
Zachary Shaver

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Jewett/Kamat
- Research Topic: Enhancing the immunogenicity of glycoconjugate vaccines through rational carrier protein design and conjugation to synthetic vesicles
Gracie Siffer

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Vafabakhsh
- Research Topic: Biophysical Study of the Activation and Signaling Mechanisms in Adhesion GPCRs.
Madison Spratt

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Lane
- Research Topic: Characterizing the dynamics of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium virulence expression at the single-cell level
Taojunfeng Su

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Kelleher
- Research Topic: Characterization of IDH1 proteoform signatures in cancer using top-down mass spectrometry-based proteogenomics
Jordan Summers

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Tullman-Ercek
- Research Topic: Investigating regulatory and structural elements of the type III secretion system for heterologous protein secretion
Jack Sumner

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Hartmann
- Research Topic: Pulmonary pressures: identifying lung microbiome structure, function, and dynamics
Elijah Taylor

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Mondragón
- Research Topic: A single-molecule approach to observe domain movement dynamics in type IA topoisomerases
Yiren Tu

- Entry Year: 2021
- Lab: Wang/Vafabakhsh
- Research Topic: An optogenetic investigation of the native chromatin accessibility
Frank Tucci

- Entry Year: 2019
- Lab: Rosenzweig
- Research Topic: Investigating the role of the membrane in particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) structure and function
Citlayi Villaseñor

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Kamat
- Research Topic: The lipid bilayer's role in membrane protein folding, structure, and function
Alex Vogt

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: He
- Research Topic: Biochemical and structural investigation of end processing in NHEJ
Cole Wilson

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Hartmann
- Research Topic: Engineering bacteriophages for high-efficiency genetic manipulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteri.
Brett Wisniewski

- Entry Year: 2017
- Lab: Lackner
- Research Topic: Uncovering novel functions and regulators of the mitochondrial fission protein Dnm1 using cell biological, biochemical, and structural approaches
Bingxian Xu

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Braun
- Research Topic: Unveiling regulatory networks using dynamic circadian gene expression
Feihong Xu

- Entry Year: 2020
- Lab: Amaral
- Research Topic: Severe pneumonia subtyping and prognosis from multi-omics data and electronic health records
Xinyu Ye

- Entry Year: 2023
- Lab: Lu
- Research Topic: Structural and Functional Characterization of Sweet Taste Receptors (Tas1R2+Tas1R3)
Janet Zhao

- Entry Year: 2022
- Lab: Kozorovitskiy
- Research Topic: Characterizing the function of bipolar disorder associated genes on mania and depression spectrum behaviours and dopamine neural activity in mice.