
Luís A. Nunes Amaral | Integrative approach to modeling cellular signaling pathways

Luís A. Nunes Amaral

Katherine Amato | Biological anthropology

Katherine Amato

Guillermo A. Ameer | Bioartificial organ systems, cell delivery & transplantation, tissue engineering

Guillermo A. Ameer

Vadim Backman | Imaging for non-invasive screening, diagnosis & detection of disease, biological & bioengineered tissue

Vadim Backman

Xiaomin Bao | Gene regulation of human adult stem cell maintenance, tissue regeneration & disease

Xiaomin Bao

Greg Beitel | Molecular genetics of organ morphogenesis

Greg Beitel

Shelby Blythe | Developmental control of chromatin structure & embryo pattern formation

Shelby Blythe

Thomas Bozza | Molecular genetics and physiology of olfaction

Thomas Bozza

Rosemary Braun | Computational biology at multiple scales

Rosemary Braun

Jason H. Brickner | Cell biology of transcription

Jason H. Brickner

Linda J. Broadbelt | Metabolic network analysis and kinetic modeling

Linda J. Broadbelt

Richard Carthew | Quantitative analysis of multicellular systems

Richard Carthew

Jenna Christensen | Intracellular transport diversity and regulation

Jenna Christensen

Daniel A. Dombeck | Optical dissection of the neuronal circuits underlying mammalian navigation

Daniel A. Dombeck

Juan Du | Molecular basis of temperature sensation and taste perception, and their connections to pain and metabolism

Juan Du

Marco Gallio | Processing of temperature stimuli in the brain

Marco Gallio

Erica Hartmann | Effect of anthropogenic chemicals on microbes in the environment

Erica Hartmann

Brian M. Hoffman | Electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) of metalloenzymes

Brian M. Hoffman

Robert A. Holmgren | Cell-fate specification during development

Robert A. Holmgren

Curt M. Horvath | Signal transduction & gene regulation in innate immune responses to cancer and viruses

Curt M. Horvath

Neha Kamat | Artificial cell/protocell models, membrane biophysics, emergent behaviors from synthetic membranes, membrane stress-sensing

Neha Kamat

Neil L. Kelleher | Top-down proteomics, natural products discovery, chromatic oncobiology, & computational proteomics

Neil L. Kelleher

Sinan Keten | Molecular modeling, adhesive and structural proteins, bioinspired materials

Sinan Keten

William L. Klein | Molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease

William L. Klein

Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy | Development, modulation, and functions of neurons and their synapses

Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy

Carole LaBonne | Stem cells, gene regulatory networks & the evolution of vertebrates

Carole LaBonne

Laura Lackner | Spatial organization within cells, using mitochondrial structure & distribution as a model

Laura Lackner

Keara Lane | Dynamic single-cell profiling of host-pathogen interactions

Keara Lane

Hojoon Lee | Neurobiology of taste

Hojoon Lee

Joshua N. Leonard | Engineering cellular systems & biomolecules for immunotherapy, synthetic biology, & biotechnology

Joshua N. Leonard

Wei Lü | Molecular basis of temperature sensation and taste perception, and their connections to pain and metabolism

Wei Lü

Julius Lucks | Unraveling the RNA sequence/structure/function code for biology, medicine, & biotechnology

Julius Lucks

John F. Marko | Protein-DNA interactions, chromosome structure & dynamics

John F. Marko

Kelly E. Mayo | Gene regulation in the mammalian neuroendocrine system

Kelly E. Mayo

Thomas J. Meade | Bioinorganic coordination chemistry, biological molecular imaging, transcription factor inhibitors, electronic biosensors

Thomas J. Meade

Andrew Miri | Neural mechanisms of motor system function

Andrew Miri

Chad A. Mirkin | Developing methods for controlling the architecture of molecules & materials on the 1 - 100 nm length scale

Chad A. Mirkin

Alfonso Mondragón | DNA topoisomerases, catalytic RNA molecules, molecular basis of spectrin flexibility

Alfonso Mondragón

Richard I. Morimoto | Cell stress responses, molecular chaperones, protein conformational disease

Richard I. Morimoto

Christian P. Petersen | Molecular and cellular basis of regeneration

Christian P. Petersen

Heather Pinkett | Transport and regulation of ABC transporters, virulence and multidrug resistance

Heather Pinkett

Ishwar Radhakrishnan | Structure, function, dynamics & informatics of eukaryotic transcription factors

Ishwar Radhakrishnan

Amy C. Rosenzweig | Structure, function, & mechanism of metalloproteins and metalloenzymes

Amy C. Rosenzweig

Tiffany Schmidt | Understanding visual circuits using electrophysiology, behavior, & anatomy in mouse models

Tiffany Schmidt

Danielle Tullman-Ercek | Engineering of membrane proteins & protein membranes

Danielle Tullman-Ercek

Keith E.J. Tyo | Microbial engineering

Keith E.J. Tyo

Reza Vafabakhsh | Development of methods for quantitative hierarchical characterization of synaptic players at different length scales

Reza Vafabakhsh

Xiaozhong (Alec) Wang | Epigenetic regulation of mouse embryonic stem cells

Xiaozhong (Alec) Wang

Eric L. Weiss | Signaling pathways in the control of cell architecture

Eric L. Weiss

Sadie Wignall | Dynamics & mechanics of cell division

Sadie Wignall

Yue Yang | Epigenetic programming of neural circuits

Yue Yang

Hao F. Zhang | Multi-scale imaging from the whole human eye to single molecules to understand vision and blinding diseases

Hao F. Zhang

Xiaoyu Zhang | Chemical biology and therapeutics

Xiaoyu Zhang