Vadim Backman Imaging for non-invasive screening, diagnosis & detection of disease, biological & bioengineered tissue
Research Interests
Our research at the convergence of physical and biological sciences focuses on elucidating the function of the human genome and its dysregulation in disease, enabled by the development of new nanoscale imaging and computational technologies that lead to novel methods for regulation of global patterns of gene expression and their clinical translation for disease diagnostics and therapeutics.
Selected Publications
Nanoscale chromatin imaging and analysis platform bridges 4D chromatin organization with molecular function. Li Y, Eshein A, Virk RKA, Eid A, Wu W, Frederick J, VanDerway D, Gladstein S, Huang K, Shim AR, Anthony NM, Bauer GM, Zhou X, Agrawal V, Pujadas EM, Jain S, Esteve G, Chandler JE, Nguyen T-Q, Bleher R, de Pablo JJ, Szleifer I, Dravid VP, Almassalha LM, and Backman V. Science Advances. 2021 January 1;7(1):eabe4310.
Disordered chromatin packing regulates phenotypic plasticity. Virk RKA, Wu W, Almassalha LM, Bauer GM, Li Y, VanDerway D, Frederick J, Zhang D, Eshein A, Roy HK, Szleifer I, and Backman V. Science Advances. 2020 January 8;6(2):eaax6232.
Physical and data structure of 3D genome. Huang K, Li Y, Shim AR, Virk RKA, Agrawal V, Eshein A, Nap RJ, Almassalha LM, Backman V, and Szleifer I. Sciences Advances. 2020 January 8;6(2):eaay4055.
Macrogenomic engineering via modulation of the scaling of chromatin packing density. Almassalha LM, Bauer GM, Wu W, Cherkezyan L, Zhang D, Kendra A, Gladstein S, Chandler JE, VanDerway D, Seagle BL, Ugolkov A, Billadeau DD, O'Halloran TV, Mazar AP, Roy HK, Szleifer I, Shahabi S, and Backman V. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2017 November 6;1:902-913.
Label-free imaging of the native, living cellular nanoarchitecture using partial-wave spectroscopic microscopy. Almassalha LM, Bauer GM, Chandler JE, Gladstein S, Cherkezyan L, Stypula-Cyrus Y, Weinberg S, Zhang D, Ruhoff PT, Roy HK, Subramanian H, Chandel NS, Szleifer I, and Backman V. PNAS. 2016 October 18;113(42):E6372-E6381.
View all publications by Vadim Backman listed in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed). Current and former IBiS students in blue.